Bright Idea: An Energy Efficient Home
With inflation driving up the cost of everyday items, finding an energy efficient home can be a great way to decrease some of the expenses you CAN control.

Key Points:
From January 2021 to January 2022, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers rose 7.5%. This is the largest increase since 1982! Food prices increased 7% over the last year while energy prices rose 27%! So while you can’t control food prices as much, you can save money on energy.
Energy efficiency can help lower your utility bills sure, but it could possibly save money on your taxes. Options to look for include efficient appliances, windows and solar panels.
If you’re planning to buy a home this year, consider energy efficiency in your search! Let’s connect so you can better understand features that can save you money for years to come!
Call today: 206-590-2414