Common Homebuying Myths!

We talk to people all day long about buying homes and three of the most common misconceptions we get often are: 1-You have to have 20% for a downpayment 2-Your credit score has to be 700 or higher 3-You have to have been in the same job for 2 years These and many other myths…

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A Home is a Powerful Investment

Going into 2023, there was a lot of talk about a possible recession that would cause the housing market to crash. Some of the media was even forecasting home prices to drop as much as 10-20%–and that made a lot of people a bit unsure about buying a home. But here’s what actually happened: home…

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Raised Home Loan Limits in 2024!

Imagine turning the key to your dream home–a place where memories are made, and futures are built. In 2024, your dreams just got bigger because home loan limits have increased, bringing you closer to the home you’ve always desired. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade, the new home loan limits for 2024…

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$1 Trillion in Consumer Credit Card Debt?!

I’d like to share some information that could unlock some new possibilities for you! Over the last few years, mortgage rates have been a little bit of a roller coaster. It’s a shift that has left many uncertain about their financial future! Even though rates have gone up, they’re still historically low and with those…

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Guiding Senior Loved Ones Through Mortgage Lending

As our senior parents or loved ones ages, financial planning becomes increasingly crucial. One aspect that demands careful consideration is mortgage lending options. Navigating these choices can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, you can help your family members secure their financial future! The Significance of Mortgage Lending for Seniors For many…

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Home Price Crash Coming- True or False?

According to Fannie Mae, 23% of Americans still think home prices will go drop low over the next year. But why do roughly 1 in 4 people feel that way? It has a lot to do with all the negative talk about home prices over the past year. Since late 2022, the media has created…

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How Washington Has an Advantage in Reverse Mortgage Lending!

Reverse mortgages have become a valuable financial tool for senior homeowners across the United States, however not all states offer the same advantages! Washington State in particular, stands out for several reasons, read on to see. The Benefits of Reverse Mortgages Reverse mortgages offer numerous benefits to senior homeowners: they can provide a steady stream…

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Your Pathway to HomeStyle Mortgage Solutions

When it comes to navigating the complex landscape of HomeStyle mortgages, the Dorman Team emerges as a trusted ally, guiding individuals and families towards homeownership dreams. With our expertise, dedication, and personalized approach, we stand out as a beacon of support for those seeking innovative mortgage solutions. Read on to explore how we specialize in…

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Home-Selling Fears? Here’s Your Pep Talk!

If you’ve been feeling like a deer in the headlights at the thought of selling your home–you’re not alone! Two common concerns have many homeowners on pause: dread of a higher mortgage rate, and the scarcity of homes to buy. Let us share some strategies to conquer these hesitations: Hesitation #1: Higher Mortage Rates Today’s…

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People Want Less Expensive Homes -Builders Are Responding!

In today’s housing market, there are two main affordability challenges impacting buyers: mortgage rates that are higher than they’ve been the past few years, and rising home prices caused by low inventory. To overcome those challenges, many people are working with their agents to find less expensive homes. And with newly build homes making up…

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