

This is not 1932….

Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its latest jobs report. It revealed that the economic shutdown made necessary by COVID-19 caused the unemployment rate to jump to 14.7%. Many anticipate that next month the percentage could be even higher. These numbers represent the extreme hardship so many families are experiencing right now. That pain should…


Think This Is a Housing Crisis? Think again.

5 Reasons why this market is far different than 2008! With all of the unanswered questions caused by COVID-19 and the economic slowdown were experiencing across the country today, many are asking if the housing market is in trouble. For those who remember 2008, it’s logical to ask that question. Many of us experienced financial…


Remodel Your Home with an FHA 203k Home Loan


Update on Appraisals in response to COVID-19


We offer a 100% Digital Experience!

We’re available from anywhere and closing on time and as promised® In a fast changing market, Evergreen Home Loans™ is equipped to help close home loans with minimal disruptions. With our suite of digital mortgage tools and resources, home financing can happen from anywhere. Here’s how: Online application—apply for financing from any internet-enabled device. It’s…


Build your own home with a Construction Loan!

Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is the general loan approval process for a Construction Loan? A. The 4 major steps in the construction loan approval process are as follows: Builder Review: EHL is required to review and approve the builder you have chosen. Important Note: You should not rely on EHL’s builder approval process to…

Market Update

As the markets adjust here is what we are seeing.Video Like:


Closing the Retirement Gap Using Home Equity

Learning Objectives Section 1 The Basics Section 2 Program Features Section 3 Other Details Section 4 Loan Process Section 5 Scenarios and Uses Section 6 Summary The Importance of Home Equity “New academic research demonstrates how HECMs can play a vital role in retirement planning – not just as a tool of last resort but…


Build a Backyard Cottage in Thurston County

With housing inventory 40% lower than this time last year, it’s time to get creative! The City Of Lacey worked with Artisans Group to develop two pre-approved Backyard Cottage designs!  Backyard Cottages, also called Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), are gaining in popularity due to their versatility. They can provide space for your family, friends and out of…


2020 Refi Boom is Official, But For How Long?

As interest rates moved in an ever-narrower pattern in the 2nd half of 2019, we looked to early 2020 to break that cycle, for better or worse. So far, 2020 has delivered on the promise of increased volatility, but not for the reasons anyone expected. There was a far better case to be made for…